Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde enero 2007


enero 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on SPAM

Se denomina correo basura (en inglés también conocido como junk-mail o spam) a una cierta forma de inundar la Internet con muchas copias (incluso millones) del mismo mensaje, en un intento por alcanzar a gente que de otra forma nunca accedería a recibirlo y menos a leerlo. La mayor parte del correo basura está constituido […]

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enero 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on LINKS

A link reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document, another document, or a specified section of another document, that automatically brings the referred information to the user when the navigation element is selected by the user. As such it is similar to a citation in literature, but with the […]

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oralidad y escritura

enero 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on oralidad y escritura

En este articulo explicare que son la oralidad y escritura y que relacion hay entre ambas.Para ello seguire los estuduios de ONG.
Siempre se ha creído que la escritura es una muestra más de la evolución del hombre camino al conocimiento. La escritura, se cree comúnmente, ha sido responsable, históricamente, de la evolución de nuevas formas de discurso […]

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enero 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on ORALITY AND LITERACY

       Human communication has been evolving form oral, contunuing with literacy, to digital communication. Each media or mean is not better than the other but different ways of communication.
        There is a variety of differences between each media which are  the orality, the scripture or literacy and the digital media:
         – Orality has been analysed […]

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enero 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Carnival

The origins of Carnival are unclear, but most agree that it started as a pagan celebration in ancient Romeor Greece. Carnival balls were exported from Italy in the late nineteenth century and had their golden age in the 1930s.
In Brazil, Carnival rules the country for four days a year, it happens at the peak of […]

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enero 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on ZABORRA ETA PAZIENTZIA, GAINEZKA

Azpeitiko Enparan Kaleko bizilagunen haserrea sortu du aste honetan lur azpiko zaborrontzien egoerak.
Izan ere, Gabonen ondoren zaborrak gainezka egin zuen eta jendeak kanpoan uzten zituen zaborrez betetako poltsak. Kaleei zikin usaina nabari zitzaien eta baitagarbitzeko eta dena jasotzeko beharra ere.
Langileen oporraldiek eta guztion  kontsumo inkonszienteak eragin zuen hau gertatzea.
Azkenean, denok geureari ekin genionean, hustu zituzten […]

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data,metadata,content and meta content

enero 26th, 2007 · Comments Off on data,metadata,content and meta content

DATA: data files are the files that store the database information, whereas other files, such as index files and data dictionaries, store administrative information, known as metadata.
METADATA:  DATA about data. metata describes you howd when anda by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how the data is fomatted. Metadat is essential for understanding […]

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WEB 2.0

enero 19th, 2007 · Comments Off on WEB 2.0

La Web 2.0 es la representación de la evolución de las aplicaciones tradicionales hacia aplicaciones web enfocadas al usuario final. El Web 2.0 es una actitud y no una tecnología.
Al principio, el web era un entorno era estatico, con pagina en HTML en las que se daban myu pocas actulizaciones.La Web 2.0 es la transición que se […]

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Group E – Metadata & Metacontents

enero 15th, 2007 · Comments Off on Group E – Metadata & Metacontents

A piece of information -for example the number 16086364- given out of a context is meaningless. It is necessary something more about that data in order to understand that the content represents one individual’s ID card, and that is what we call metadata. This concept of metadata is very interesting in a variety of fields […]

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