McFly is an english band. The band is composed by four boys: Danny Jones (22), Dougie Poynter (20), Harry Judd (22) and Tom Fletcher (23). They play their own instrumments and they compose their music. Danny plays the guitar and is a lead singer along with Tom, that also plays guitar and sings. Dougie plays […]
octubre 30th, 2008 · Comments Off on McFly
octubre 30th, 2008 · Comments Off on Hypertext
Hypertext most often refers to text on a computer that will lead the user to other, related information on demand. Hypertext is a relative innovation to user interfaces, which comes over some of the limitations of the traditional written texts. Rather than remaining static like traditional text, hypertext makes possible a dynamic organization of information […]
Kevin Kelly’s biography
octubre 30th, 2008 · Comments Off on Kevin Kelly’s biography
Kevin kelly was born in 1952 in Pennsylvania.He studied in New Jersey,at the Westtfield High School.While he was in the University of Rhode Island (only for a year) he wrote some articules which were published in some news paper such as “The Economist” or “The New York Times”.
He has also been photografer,writter and […]
octubre 30th, 2008 · Comments Off on TRATU TXARREN INGURUAN
Gaur egun gure gizarteak eraso zeharo desberdinak jasan behar ditu alderdi desberdinetatik datozkionak, eta indar handia duen horietako bat emakumearen aurkako erasoena da. Sinestezina egiten zait askotan horrelakoak oraindik existitzea, teknologia berriak hain bereganaturik dituen gizarte batean, non gertatzen ari diren momentu berberean, munduko beste puntako gertaerak ezagutu ahal izaten ditugun.