Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Questionnaire 2: Word Sense Disambiguation & Named Entity Recognition

abril 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 2: Word Sense Disambiguation & Named Entity Recognition

We have talked in the previous post about Machine Translation (MT) because it is considered a sub-field of the Computational Linguistics that we are currently studying. Broadly speaking, MT consists of translating words or speech from one natural language to another one using translation software. As we said, MT faces two problems in two different […]

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abril 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on GAIEN ZERRENDA (Q.2)

Hauek dira giza lengoaiaren teknologiei buruzko zentroek ikertzen dituzten hainbat gai:

Itzulpengintza automatikoa.
Adimen artifiziala.
Plataforma eleanitza.
Informazio kognitiboaren prozesamendua.
Web semantikoa.
Linguistika konputazionala eta lengoaiaren teknologiarako aplikazioak.
Lengoaia naturalaren prozesamendua.
Hizlariaren eta lengoaiaren identifikazioa.
Parsing-a eta tagging-a.


National Centre for Language Technology, Ireland (2002, uztailak 12). Project. Kontsultatua: 18:00, apirilak 2, 2009. Orrialdea:
Language Technology Documentation Centre, Finland (2008, urriak 1). Projects. Kontsultatua: 18:11, apirilak 2, […]

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