Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Speech Recognition (Questionnaire 2)

junio 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Speech Recognition (Questionnaire 2)

Speech recognition converts words as spoken by us, to be machine-readable, and it includes voice dialing, call routing, appliance control and content-based spoken audio search. The first applications for this speech recognition were automated telephone systems and medical dictation software. People still us it often for dictation, querying databases, and giving commands to computers, especially […]

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Information Retrieval(Q2)

junio 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Information Retrieval(Q2)

The information Retrieval,or IR, is the science of the search of information out of the documents, the search of the documents themselves, the search of metadata that describe documents, or the search of data base through the internet, intranet, texts, images, sound, or other characteristic´s data. IR is an interdisciplinary study. it covers so many […]

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