Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde junio 2012

Internet for Universities

junio 7th, 2012 · Comments Off on Internet for Universities

These days technology has advanced so much that even universities use the internet for some purposes. The University of Deusto is one of them, and it has some tools or resources to promote itself. Not only personal web pages, but also social networks are, nowadays, a good way for companies to present themselves to the […]

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Monsters of the Sea

junio 6th, 2012 · Comments Off on Monsters of the Sea

Many people are afraid of the sea, not only because of water, but also because of animals. Animals of the sea are not only small fishes, dolphins or whales; there are bigger and more dangerous animals as well. One of those dangerous and enormous animals are the sharks. Sharks are thought like animals which kill […]

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Henry Moore

junio 1st, 2012 · Comments Off on Henry Moore

Henry Moore, 1898. urtean jaio zen, Castleford izeneko herri batean. Bere aitak harrobi bateko ingeniaria zen eta asko gustatzen zitzaizkion musika, literatura eta artea, gerora bere semeen hezkuntzan eragingo zuena. Henry Moore-ek beste zazpi neba-arreba zituen “Henry Moore y el inquietante infinito” liburuak jakinarazten digun moduan. Txikitatik, eskultore zaletasuna erakutsi zuen, baina bere aitaren desioak […]

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