Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

“Lotus feet”

enero 14th, 2014 · Comments Off on “Lotus feet”

The bandaged foot (缠足 – chánzú) was a popular practice in some parts of China until the twentieth century. Activists against bounded feet educated practitioners by telling them the perception of the outside world of this trend as a barbarit…

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The wildlife of China

enero 14th, 2014 · Comments Off on The wildlife of China

Animals in China In China there are at least more than 100 wild animal species unique including such well-known rare animals as the giant panda, golden-haired monkey, Siberian tiger, red-crowned crane and Chinese alligator. It is to say that some &#823…

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William Shakespeare, as extraordinary and as usual as any other human being

enero 14th, 2014 · Comments Off on William Shakespeare, as extraordinary and as usual as any other human being

United For Shakespeare has formerly discussed the issue of the Bard’s authorship and we have always decided not to make any final assertion. Any coherent academic has never dared to do so and nor are we –students- going to kick over the traces. Now we want to demonstrate that Shakespeare’s authorship’s truthfulness is at least […]

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