The aim of the automatic text summarization is to summarize a text in a computer. You have to enter a text into the computer and a summarized text is returned, which is a non redundant extract from the original text.
The technique has begun in the 60’s and has been developed during 30 years and today is very important beacause od the Internet and de WWW.
For example, Microsoft Word has since 1997 a summarizer for documents.
Automatic text summarization can be used:
- To summarize news to SMS or WAP-format for mobile phones/PDA.
- To let a computer synthetical read the summarized text. Written text can be to long and boring to listen to.
- In search engines to present compressed descriptions of the search results (see the Internet search engine Google).
- In keyword directed subscription of news which are summarized and pushed to the user Nyhetsguiden (In Swedish)
- To search in foreign languages and obtain an automatically translated summary of the automatically summarized text.
– What is automatic text summarization?Hercules Danialis(November 24, 2008). Retrieved: 1 May, 2009. From:
– Automatic text summarization. IBM. Retrieved: 1 May, 2009. From:
– Automatic summarization. (2009, April 20). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:08, May 1, 2009, from