Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

CiteUlike and Google Books

diciembre 23rd, 2009 · No hay Comentarios


CiteUlike is a famous free online service which is used to arrange academic publications. It was put on the Internet in 2004; exactly by the time its creator was enclosed to the University of Manchester. CiteUlike is designed concretely for the necessities of both, scholars and scientists. The site is maintained by Richard Cameron, in the University of Manchester.

It is a system which is open to any person who permits to maintain, negotiate and share on the internet references of scientific and technique documents. The references are captured by means of a marker of favorites which is installed on the navigator and that extracts the bibliographic data which appears on a particular web page.

The character of CiteUlike is purely academic. It is useful to share scientific references that are visible for everybody. Besides, CiteUlike allows us to work with Bibtex or Endnote and to file private comments on the references.

Google Books:

‘Google Books’ is a service which catalogues information contained within thousands of printed books. This service called ‘Google Books’ was born in 2003 so as to allow users to find any piece of information inside these books.

In order to index this information, Google has developed a specific technology to scan them and to classify their information.

According to ‘The New York Times’, by 2007 Google had digitalized about one million of books. And two years later, in 2009, Google annunciated that the sum of scanned books was over ten million.

Besides, Google also offers the complete contents of some books. Those can be detected selecting the option of ‘entire books’ in the option of ‘advanced search’.


.Google Books. In Google Dirson, noticias de google en español. Retrieved 12:30, December 23, 2009, from:

.Google Books. In Google Dirson, noticias de google en español. Retrieved 12: 35, December 23, 2009, from:

.CiteUlike. (29 November,  2009). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 13: 07, December 23, 2009, from:

.CiteUlike. In Slideshare. Retrieved 14:05, December 23, 2009, from:


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