Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

CiteULike, GoogleBooks & GoogleReader (A6)

diciembre 26th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

With regard to CiteULike, it is a free online service, which has as a purpose to organize academic publications. Nowadays, it is run by Oversity; however, it has not always been like that since it was created in the year 2004. This system is commonly known as the first Web-based social bookmarking tool created for meeting the needs of scientists and scholars. Furthermore, what makes the difference between CiteULike and other similar systems such as is that users are allowed to bookmark the different books with metadata thanks to a Web browser. In fact, such has been this system’s success that there are more than 3 million articles bookmarked in CiteULike nowadays.

As regards to Google Books, previously named as either, Google Book Search or Google Print, it is a service provided by Google, which was firstly introduced in the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2004. Its main characteristics is that it searches full text in a wide range of books. These books have previously been scanned owing to an optical character recognition and stored in Google’s databases.

Last but not least, Google Reader is considered as a Web-based aggregator, which can not only read Atom, but also RSS feeds,  online or offline. It was in 2005 when it was first released (a beta version), nevertheless, it was not until 2007 when the current version started working.





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