Good citing is very important in order to give references to one’s sources in a proper way. There are some formulas, therefore, that have to be followed in order to achieve the correct way of citing. Newspapers, magacines, electronic sites or webs…have their different style and it could be interesting to mention which one is better depending on the text that is being written. According to Wikipedia “citation styles can be broadly divided into styles common to the Humanities and the Sciences, though there is considerable overlap. Some style guides, such as the Chicago Manual of Style, are quite flexible and cover both parenthetical and note citation systems. Others, such as MLA and styles, specify formats within the context of a single citation system.” It could be interesting to focus on the MLA citation style due to the fact that this system deals with the arts and the humanities. This style, as Wikipedia mentions “uses parenthetical referencing with author-page (Smith 395) or author-[short] title-page (Smith, Contingencies 42) in the case of more than one work by the same author within parentheses in the text, keyed to an alphabetical list of sources on a “Works Cited” page at the end of the paper, as well as notes (footnotes or endnotes)”.
Roy Tennant in his article “A Bibliographic Metadata Infraestrucutre for the 21st Century” explains that “The current library bibliographic infrastructure was constructed in the early days of computers – before the Web, XML, and a variety of other technological advances that now offer new opportunities. General requirements of a modern metadata infrastructure for libraries are identified, including such qualities as versatility, extensibility, granularity, and openness. A new kind of metadata infrastructure is then proposed that exhibits at least some of those qualities.”
Juan Raúl Cadillo León in his blog Conocimientos y sistemas says that metadata can be used for several purposes. The ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) is used to apply metadata descriptions to bibliographic resources. ISBD was devlopped to give a common use to several rules for bibliogrpaphic descriptions around the world. Therefore, it is used to describe original books, cartographic materials, electronic resources and so on…
ISBD provides clues to know where some specific elements have to be taken into account in order to make a registration of bibliographic metadata.
(2010, July 11) From WordPress. Retrieved 19:09. July 12, 2010. From Los Metadatos y la Web Semántica – WordPress.
(2010, July 12) From UK eInformation Group. Retrieved 18:15. July 12, 2010. From Feature article: Bibliographic Management 2.0 – UK eInformation Group.
(2010, July 12) From Roy Tennant – California Digital Library. Retrieved 19:32. July 12, 2010. From A Bibliographic Metadata Infrastructure for the 21st Century.
(2010, July 12) From University of California, Berkely Library. Retrieved 21:03. July 12, 2010. From Citing Your Sources – University of California, Berkely Library.
More links: Luz Ustara – delicious.