The edition is the way through which a work will be spread in some means. In class, our professor has presented us the topic and has explained the different types of edition:
Facsimile edition:
This type of documents are mainly manuscripts, codex… classic period documents in short. In a facsimil edition the original text is reproduced on its original medium. To do this, a process of copy is carried out, usually through photography tecniques or silkscreen. This type of edition is really common in museums and libraries, since the public is shown a almost exact copy af the original document (they are not offered the original document because they are usually of huge value and it could be in danger of being stolen or damaged)
Paleographic editon grows away of literary interes and gets closer to diplomatic and notarial interes, designed to specialists. What paleography tries to do is to reproduce the original text together with an updated document that enables the interpretation of the firts one thanks to the signs used for its interpretation and its transcription.
Diplomatic and interpretative:
In this case, the edition resorts to paleographic texts, but a work of modernization and updating of the ortography and punctuation is carried out, and the text is adapted to the current writing. Editors have to have a deep philologic knowledge to carry out the process previously explained.
This may be the most dinamic edition, for all the stages that has undergone a text are shown, since its creation (a first draft, for example), through its transmision and right to its last edition.
New technologies have played an important role in this process, since they have not only worked as a tool, but also as a spreading means, thanks to the Internet, e-books and now through hypertext, a new format that is changing lirerary world in many senses
- Tipos de edición. Diapositivas de Mercedes Acillona utilizadas en clase.
- Edition. (2009, October 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:29, October 30, 2009, from
- Facsímil. (2009, 14) de octubre. Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta 20:33, 30 octubre, 2009 from
- Paleografía. (2009, 4) de septiembre. Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 21:49, 30 octubre, 2009 from