Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

DigiPen Institute of Technology Europe-Bilbao

mayo 8th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

It has been published today by the local media:

The Bilbao Chamber of Comerse and DigipPen USA are honoured to present DigiPen Institute of Technology Europe-Bilbao, a project the goal of which is to boost a new strategic sector in Euskadi: Videogames and Virtual Reality. To this end, we will create high-performance training and research in videogame programming and design and which will open its doors in 2010.

As we can read at Wikipedia DigiPen Institute of Technology is a college located in RedmondWashington which has a focus on art, computer science, and computer engineering with emphasis in creating video games.

DigiPen Institute of Technology at Redmond

DigiPen Institute of Technology at Redmond


DigiPen is the only educational institution whose students have placed in the professional category at the Game Developers Conference, having done so in each year since 2004. Additionally, DigiPen students have placed the largest number of student projects in the Independent Games Festival student showcase every year since it began, with a seven-year total of 24 awards given to 23 winning game projects. The next three closest institutions have placed five, four and three games in the showcase over six years.[1]

Other student run commissions include SAPR, DigiPen’s student-run Public Relations committee and the CEC, the Campus Entertainment Committee. The CEC handles tournaments, movies, and other activities.

All this is very interesting. For a long time I’ve had the conviction that the real challange to Gutenberg was not hypetext, but video games.  I imagine this will open good oportunities for our students (66♥213 and others) to collaborate in the production of new fiction.

Main references


  • Etiquetas