A digital ibrary is a type of library where most of the sources found in it are those with a digital format such as pdf, doc,…
accesible through computers.It is important to realize how important is the computer science and the communications whose essential exponent is the internet. It´s important to say that when we talk about digital libraries we need to realize that the information sources don´t matter where they are plasmed physically or who store them originally. the library helps the user find what he or she wants when he or she needs it through its network of sources of information.
This is a concept that underliens the importance of the network work and the sincrony hyper media and the ubiquity of the internet.
Historically the definition of library has followed the technology and has been condicionated for them. So at first they were clay pieces, later on papyrus, or digital libraries like nowadays when the document´s collections were started to be attached to the network.
-Biblioteca digital. Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: December 5th, 2009 from
-Bibliotecas virtuales. In Universitat d´Alacant. In December,2009, from