Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Digital Libraries

octubre 16th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

The British Library & The Darlington Digital Library

The British Library

The British Library is the National library of the United Kingdom and nowadays one of the biggest libraries in the world. It possesses aroun 150 million articles and each year about 3 million more books are added to the initial amount.

The British Library has got maps, books, articles, partitures, letters, etc-amon others. The British Library offers its information to students and researchers coming from the UK itsefl and from all over the world. Each year six million searchs are done and more than 100 million objects are dispossed to the researchers to richen their investigations or studies.

The Darlington Digital Library

The main donnor of the Darlington Digital Library was William M. Darlington, since the library’s material almsot entirely corresponds to him. He was an attorney born in Pittsburgh in the year 1815. The library contains books, manuscriots, atlases and a long etcetera.

During the 1840s, Mr. Darlingotn has developped a great interest in the history of colonial America, specially in everything that had something to do with West OPennsylvania and the valley of Ohio. At the begginning he adquired books about those subjects, but later he wided his horizons to subjects related to the exploration of the Trans-Mississippi, the far West, or even the history of the world. He also got litographies, pages and etcetera from diverse works of art.

fter his death, his wife, Mary, kept on collecting material, as his husband did and because he had transmited his passion for books to his wife.

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