Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


mayo 18th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

ELRA (European Language Resources Association) stands for The European Language Resources. The ELRA official page tells us, ELRA “is the driving force to make available the language resources for language engineering and to evaluate language engineering technologies”. This means that it makes easier for European or non-European organizations to have language resources and to evaluate the new engineering techonlogies that are in need of those resources.

ELRA was created when the need of providing language resources in large scale was evident. The European Commission decided then to start a programme called RELATOR, a consortium of reseachers working with the nine working languages of the European Union. Their highest achievement was the creation of ELRA.


“ELRA Home Page”, (2000) Consulted 16/06/09.


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