Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Famous through the internet

junio 7th, 2012 · No hay Comentarios

My web comumunication plan will be focus in Amaia Montero, a 35 years old spanish singer. She uses social networks as facebook and twitter and we can also find several official pages from fans. Amaia Montero Saldías,also known as the original vocalist of La Oreja de Van Gogh between 1996 and 2007, is a singer/songwriter from Basque Country, Spain. Including her work with the band, Montero has sold over 7 million albums worldwide. Amaia announced her departure from the group on November 19, 2007, to launch a solo career.La Oreja de Van Gogh remains active and has now released two studio albums with new lead singer Leire Martínez. After recording her first disk as soloist and becoming a numner one in spain she announced:

“I will never forget this first album. I had to start from scratch and mature all of a sudden. I tried to make an honest record, supported by an artistic impulse aimed to express exactly how I am. I needed to follow my own journey, and I faced the risk. This album shows exactly what I am and what I do”

As I have said one of the social networks that she uses is facebook. This page is world famous which makes easierto be released and to mantein a closer relationship with their fans. She start using facebook (alredy working as a soloist) the 17 of septiembre of 2010. At her profile we can find her new songs, videos,the dates of her concerts, her feelings after them etc We can alse see how she had worked to help associations like UNICEF and “Paz sin fronteras”. The advantages of this social networks are that we can conect with our idols making them quiestions or just greet them.

As we can see at her twitter she uses it for more personal relation,having conversations with some of her fans or with other famous as today the mayority of famouse people have their account in twitter.Apart of using the social networks that I  have mentioned sha has her own page. This page we can find the whole information about Amaia: notice, music,concerts,photos,videos, biography, and a shop where you can buy her products but is no only available for spain otherwise for to many other countries.






Filed under: Music


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