As a task for the fifth topic, we’ve created an account in CiteULike and another one in Google Books; these are pages that search for books or academic publications. In the case of the first one, it is an online service that searches for academic publications (as told before), whilst the latter searches the full text of books that Google has stored.
CiteULike exists as a free Web service since 2004, and it helps “scientists, researchers and academics store, organise, share and discover links to academic research papers”. It is a mixture of web-based soccial bookmarking services and traditional bibliographic management tools; you bookmark academic references and you end up having a data base of your selected documents. It is very easy to bookmark on CiteULike: you clik on “search” in the toolbar, enter any word that has connection with what you want to search for, and when you find the reference that best fits to what you need, simply click in “copy” and it will automatically get stored in your library.
Google Books was also introduced in 2004. This searching tool looks for books and not articles or references, as CiteULikes does; sometimes you get access to the whole book in Google Books, but often that access is limited and you can only read some pages. What’s more, sometimes, once you have visited the same book for more than 3 times, you are not allowed to see it again. These steps are taken so that text printing and copying of material under copyright is prevented.
- CiteULike. (2009, November 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:30, December 20, 2009, from
- CiteULike, web social académica. (2007, March 1). In El Observatorio (blog). Retrieved 15:34, December 20, 2009, from
- Citeulike: A Researcher’s Social Bookmarking Service (2007, April). In ARIADNE. Retrieved 15:47, December 20, 2009, from
- Social Bookmarking Tools (I) A General Review. (2005, April). In D-Lib Magazine. Retrieved 16:21, December 20, 2009, from
- About Google Books. (2009). In Google Books. Retrieved 16:58, December 20, 2009, from
- Google Books. (2009, December 20). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:52, December 20, 2009, from