Hizkuntz baliabideak hizkuntz ingeniaritzaren ezinbesteko osagaiak dira. Hizkuntz baliabideak lan analitiko batean erabiltzen den hizkuntza ikuskatzeko eta ulertzeko balio dute, hau da, hizkuntz baliabideak lan analitiko batean erabiltzen den hikuntza-ezagutza adierazteko balio dute. Hizkuntz baliabideak produzitzea eta mantentzea lan itzela, oso handia da. Hizkuntz baliabideen definizio sakonago bat ikusteko, hona hemen ( http://portal.bibliotekivest.no/terminology.htm) terminologia web orrialdeak ematen duen definizioa:
” Language resources are essential components of language engineering. They are one of the main ways of representing the knowledge of language which is used for the analytical work leading to recognition and understanding. The work of producing and maintaining language resources is a huge task. Resources may be produced, according to standard formats and protocols to enable access, in many EU languages, by research laboratories and public institutions. Many of these resources are being made available through the European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Lexicons, terminology databases dictionaries of proper names, terminology databases, grammars, wordnets, and corpora are all repositories of language knowledge.”
* http://portal.bibliotekivest.no/terminology.htm