According to the Mareka institute of research, Human Language Technology is the device that makes easier interaction with computers. Therefore, it is beneficial for some people who have difficulties in reading and writing that want to obtain diferent kind of essential information for their lives.
Human Language Technology or also known as Natural Language Processing, is just a field in computer science which deals with the interaction between humans or humans and computers. This consist on rewriting the information on the databases is a understandably way, so that people can understand what is written on them.
The HLT research group compossed by some researcher form the Mareka Institute, the University of Petroria and some other researchers investigates how the HLT can be beneficial for a developing country. The have reached two different theories:
- HLT is according to some people crucial for adressing information.
- HLT is a support for language variety as it makes a lot of information be available in different languages.
- Natural language processing. (2009, March 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:11, March 14, 2009, from
- Human Language Technologies (hlt) From African Advance Institute for Information & Technology. Retrieved 15.14 March 14, 2009, from