The goal of the Human Language Technology Research Institute is to incorporate activities in a broad spectrum of disciplines such as natural language processing, speech recognition and synthesis, knowledge acquired from texts and information extraction.
These activities enable computers to interact with humans using natural language capabilities, and to serve as useful assistants to humans by providing services such as automatic text understanding and retrieval, information extraction and question answering, automatic translation and speech recognition.
El Instituto de investigación de Tecnología lingüística Humano fue establecido en Dallas UT en febrero de 2002 y sirve tanto industria de gobierno como privada como los consumidores de tecnología lingüística humana. En el instituto, profesores, investigadores y estudiantes colaboran en prever nuevas soluciones para la tecnología lingüística humana.
Human language Technologies (2005). Human Language Technology Research Institute. Retrieved 12:46, March 9, 2009, from:
Applications in Human language Technology (2007). Dr. Horacio Saggion -Department of Computer Science – University of Sheffield, UK. Retrieved 12:48, March 9, 2009, from:
Human language Technologies, IBM Research. Retrieved !2:50, March 9, 2009, from:
HLTC News. HKUST Human Language Technology Center (2008). Retrieved 12:52, March 9, 2009, from: