Hypertext is a technology that organises some information in many diferent blocks of contents, connected by many links whose activation or selection causes the data retrieval, the recovery of information. [Díaz et al, 1996]
But the original idea of hypertext was from Vannevar Bush, who described in 1945 in the article “As we may thing” the MEMEX (”Memory Expander”) dispositive in which said:
“It’s an electromechanical device that an individual could use to read a large self-contained research library, and add or follow associative trails of links and notes created by that individual, or recorded by other researchers”
The objective of the hypertexts and their links is give that information in an easier and dynamic way, so the user can be quickly taken to the information they’re looking for. Here there’s a difference between the printed books for example and the hypertexts. In the first ones, the reader must read all to find the information he or she is looking for, but with the hypertexts, it changes. The user doesn’t have to read all, he can flick through it, and get the information sooner thanks to the links.
And if Internet and hypertext are added, the result is the web. That’s because Internet is the group of different nets with TCP/IP connection, what means “transmision control protocol” (TCP/IP allows the connection and the information exchange between different nets) So hypertexts are exchanged between users sooner because of Internet, hypertexts and Internet complement each other, creating the Web.
Memex. (2008, September 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:58, October 30, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Memex&oldid=241806303