Kevin Kelly, founding director founding executive director of Wired magazine and a very know man in the world of the new technologies, speak about the Web in the EG 2007 Conference and more specifically, he predicts about the next five thousand days of the web.
Firstly, he highlights the idea of the importance of the Web nowadays giving some information: there are 100 billion of clicks every day, 55 trillion of links… And he bears these points in mind to say what wolud happen in a not very distant future. There would be three main consecuences:
We’re gonna giving a body to the Internet. All the things are connected to the Web and our objetive will the union between atomic and digital. In conclusion, we are the extended senses of the machines.
- 2. Re-Structuring
K. Kelly explains that Internet can be very helpfull because we can find all the information we want on it. But, that nowadays has become quite dangerous because we can find up to information of us, private information which sometimes can damage ourselves.
- 3. Co-Dependency
If we continue like that, we will dependo only in this machine.
- Kevin Kelly (editor). (2008, October 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:35, November 20, 2008, from - Kevin Kelly. ¿Cómo serán los próximos 5000 días de la Web? (2008, August 21) In Microsiervos. Retrieved 20:07, November 20, 2008, from - What is Web 2.0. (2005, September 30). In O’reilly. Retrieved 20:04, November 30, 2008, from