Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Language Resources 2009-10 best contributions

junio 16th, 2010 · No hay Comentarios

Since I will not take this (or previous experiences) to any venue on Innovation in Education (eg. ICERI2010 or the like), this post will include some of the best materials students have produced this year in Language Resources (09-10), for people that may benefit from them.


[slideshare id=4043934&doc=presentacininfor-100510190806-phpapp02]

Best slides presentations (15% of grade):

Best Twitter #lr0910 particitaption (15% of grade):

Best bookmark collection at Delicious (30% of  grade):

Best reviews (40% of grade):

There are more very good contributions. This is just a small selection. Congratulations to all of them.


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