Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Machine Translation(Q2)

mayo 22nd, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Machine Translation, or MT, is the sub field of Computational Linguistic that investigates the use of the software to translate texts form one natural language to another. Using corpus techniques we can get more somplex translations, what helps with a proper manage of the differences of linguistic typology, phrase recognition, translation of idioms, and the isolation of anomalies.

The idea of machine translation could havebeen created by René Descartes in 1629, proposing a common language for all of us. In 1950 fifty sentences were translated from russin into English.

The real progress started years later and much slower in 1966. During late 1980s this rsearch became less expensive what help researches to continue with their interest in statistcal models fo machine translation.

In 1046 A.D.Booth had the idea of using computers for the translation of ntural languages. In 1954 in London the first demostration of APEXC machine was made showing a basic translation of Englich into French. At the time, different topics were published , also in jourlans. At the time another application was created in the same University: the Reading and Composing of Braille text in a computer.

-The translation process can be explain as the following.
1. Find out the meaning of the original text
2. Re-encoding this meaning in the language we want to use.

-There are several types of machine translation:
It includes transfer-based machine translation, interlingual machine translation and dictionary-based machine
translation paradigms.
a)Transfer-based machin translation
b)Interlingual machine translation
c)Dictionary-based machine translation
Tries to get translations with statistial methods
It uses a bilingual corpus at run-time.


Machine translation. . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:00, May 22, 2009, from


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