Arkup language was created, in their very beginning, as languages formed by a group of format-codes which text processing machines introduce in texts in order to direct the proccess of impression thanks to an already programmable printer.
Markup language or language of marks is a way in which we can codify a document that, with the text, has labels or marks that contain aditional information about the structure of the text or its presentation. The language of marks which is the most extended one is the HTML, Wold Wide Web’s fundament. Markup languages are usually missed with programming languages. But they are not the same thing since markup language has not aritmetic or variable functions, whilst programming languages do.
Appart from that, another important markup language types would be the next ones: GenCode, TeX, Scribe, GML, SGML, XML and XHTML
XML, for example, is a metalanguage, which means that it has been created in order to “build” other languages basing on it. As the time has passed by, it has become the best system when it comes to store semistructured data.
Another example, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), for example, was created a simply GML (Generalized Markup Language) in the 1970s. It’s a language designed yo mark and describe different documents in a really autonomous way to the hardware and software we have used. The SGML markup language is used to define the markup rules of each document, and it does not assing any characteristic labels.
HTML and XML were created from the syntaxis od SGML.
Reference pages:
- Markup language. (2009, November 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11:30, December 10, 2009, from
- Lenguajes hipertextuales @ Retrieved 12:32 december 10th 2009 from
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) @ W3. retrieved 12.34, december 10th from
- Lenguaje de marcado XML Retrieved 12:36 december 10th from