Nokturn is a Spanish band from Alicante, and it was created in the summer of 2007.
It started with two members: Rubben and Char Lee, and after some castings to find a guitarist and a bassist, Henny and Jhose joined the band. After this, they decided to be called Nokturn.
These are the final band members:
- Rubben: Vocals and guitar
- Henny: Guitar
- Jhos: Bass
- Char Lee: Drums
We could say that the band is a mixture of power pop, alternative metal and punk-rock, and although they haven’t released an album yet, they have recorded their first Demo with 7 songs in it, and they’re preparing a new EP.
Nokturn has just finished recording a video clip for the song ‘Despertar’, and it will soon be available to be watched. You can listen to this song here:
If you want to know more about this band, just visit their MySpace, and feel free to add them as friends: