As the contributor in Forbes magazine Fabienne Friedrickson said:
The high tech environment in which we do business today—with real-time
tools involving email and social media—allows us to communicate and
interact with millions of people in an instant with the simple click of a
button, automate and pre-schedule just about anything we want to say,
and carry out entire campaigns almost single handily. These tools allow
us to accomplish so much with so little—yet they can also desensitize
us in a way that puts our businesses—and more importantly our
humanity—at risk unless we start to pay closer attention.
As she points out, one of the reasons of business failure are the social media that can desensitize people in such a high level that put in risk everything around the person. Fredrickson also gives some points to follow to carry on the business with honesty, dignity and integrity during crisis time; here some of them:
- Be adaptable.
- Be mindful of customers and clients in affected areas.
- Create a crisis plan with your team.
- Always err on the side of love, authenticity and compassion
- More points (see them in the link at Main sources).
Even though some businesses go well or survive in crisis time, other people are unemployed. But sometimes the best way to have a job in bad economic conditions is creating one by yourself, creating your own business. As 20 Minutos newspaper points out in one article, there are some types of business that go well in crisis times. Here some of them:
- Little businesses in well known areas: bakeries, basic products…
- Clothes rental.
- Economical clothes selling and clothe repairing stores.
- Businesses focused on rich people.
- Body-care businesses: gyms, diets…
- Second handed objects.
- Online stores.
- Gold and silver buying stores.
- Other ones (see in the link at Main sources).
Once the business is running, is the time to measure which are the best options to keep it on the correct way, not to have to close or sell it. As A. Carlos González says is his article in, there are some problems while running a business; these problems must be avoided in order to succeed in business-world. Here some of them:
- To be in a hurry: take time to create a good plan for the business.
- Not choosing the best business for your personality: If you want safety you might buy a franchise…
- Do not know the exact cost of running that business.
- Do not know how to sell stuffs.
- Do not want to be helped by professionals.
- Not being realistic: sometimes we do not want to see why things are going bad.
- Not having a business plan: in order to have strategies, planned objectives…
- Do not measure the importance of marketing and publicity.
- More points (see the in the link at Main sources)
Now, taking into account all these points, people should measure their situation in order to go on the correct path. Sometimes things are not so easy to see, they need time. The changes that are needed for having a successful business are not easy to carry out; people have to realize that today’s global situation can affect their company in a very wrong way.
Main sources:
- Fabienne Fredrickson (Dec 19, 2012), “Seven Strategies for Doing Business in Times of Crisis”, retrieved (Jan 12, 2014) from Forbes Magazine:
- 20 Minutos: Eroski/Consumer (Sep 15, 2012), “Negocios que sí funcionan en tiempos de crisis”, retrieved (Jan 15, 2014) from 20 Minutos newspaper:
- A. Carlos González (Jan 20, 2011), “Errores a la hora de crear un negocio o empresa. Los errores que debes evitar”, retrieved (Jan 16, 2014) from