The leísmo is the sustitution of the personal pronoun lo/la and the use of le in the direct complement position and with the verbs that carry the Accusative case (Transitive verbs) :
- (Leísta form) Juan le ha visto.
- (Standard form) Juan lo ha visto.
The loísmo is the use of lo instead of le as indirect object personal pronoun.
- ¿Has visto a Juan?
(Loísmo) Lo vi ayer.
(Standard form) Le vi ayer.
In Spain, it is common the use of ‘le’ meanwhile in Southamerica, the use of ‘lo’.
– Le vi ayer (a Pedro) SPAIN
– Lo vi ayer (a Pedro) SOUTHAMERICA
– ¿Dónde está mi lápiz? Lo dejé aquí (In Both)
Now, we included examples that appear in the Spanish corpus of the RAE.
We have taken the next clause ‘lo vi’. We have used examples taken from books, magazines, newspapers and oral situations. I am going to include the examples in future articles.