Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Questionnaire #1: Human Language Technologies, definitions.

marzo 7th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

According to a survey published by Cambridge University Press and Giardini:

Human Language Technologies are a very important way of communication as languages are, above all, the first way of communication all over the world. In addition with the help that globalization has provided Language technology offers people the opportunity to improve their communication. The ability to exchange communicative messages with the comoputers have been serached by many engineers and scholars. Hawever, the Human Language Technologies has got very difficult problems to create them such as Speaking Mode, speaking style, enrollment or language model to name some.


As CORDIS, an European Centre of Investigation in Human language tachnologies, defines HLT are:

The overall objective of HLT is to support e-business in a global context and to promote a human centred infostructure ensuring equal access and usage opportunities for all. This is to be achieved by developing multilingual technologies and demonstrating exemplary applications providing features and functions that are critical for the realisation of a truly user friendly Information Society. Projects address generic and applied RTD from a multi- and cross-lingual perspective, and undertake to demonstrate how language specific solutions can be transferred to and adapted for other languages.


    Note: This post has been updated on Saturday 28th March 2009 (16:22)


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