Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Questionnaire 2: Classic HLT topics

marzo 11th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Those of you who are hooked on Human Language Technologies (HLT) will already  know that along the year researchers publish books, give lectures and conferences… about different topics that have to do with this area of Computational Linguistics that we are currently studying.

"Oh, mother! your databases are *so* 20th century!" "I just don't understand you unestructured kids!"

"Oh, mother! Your databases are *so* 20th century!" "I just don't understand you unstructured kids!"

For that reason I have decided to bring here some of the most classic or important topics discussed in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Here come the examples:

  • Spoken language processing;
  • Word segmentation, tagging, and chunking;
  • Syntax and parsing;
  • Lexical semantics and word sense disambiguation;
  • Pragmatics, discourse, and dialogue;
  • Generation and summarization;
  • Named entity recognition;
  • Information retrieval, question answering, and information extraction;
  • Machine translation and multilingual systems;
  • Language resources and tools;
  • Linguistic, psychological, and mathematical models of language;
  • Machine learning and natural language understanding.

These could be considered the most important tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Consequently, these topics are constantly being mentioned and, of course, investigated by researchers. I am sure that in no time you all will be familiar with them!


(Note: in the future this article could be modified several times in order to include more up-to-date information.)


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