In modern society, robots are been designed to play an increasing role in the lives of ordinary people. Among the emerging areas in robotics is the field of service robots. One example of it is an intelligent library assistant robot.
Universities and some public libraries use a kind of intelligent Library Assistant to search for the books, and categorize them. Now, This work in progress towards a complete system working to assist users on a library. With this aim, the system must be capable of looking for a specific book in a shelf, asked by any user,and deliver it as soon as possible to the user.
The proyect developing now by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence has got the following aims according to his manager, Norbert Reithinger:
- Investigation, supply and adaptation of the contents of a real digital library for interactive information extraction
- Hybrid information extraction based on a combination of metadata and document processing
- Development of domain-adaptive deep methods for information extraction using the example of biomedical documents
- Prototypical development of interactive personalized navigation allowing the user of the digital library an intuitive multimodal search
- The development of an intelligent library assistant robot (2006) by Julie Behan and Derek T. O’Keeffe, in Portal. Retrieved March 24, 19:35. In
- An Autonomous Assistant Robot For Book Manipulation in a Library by Ramos-Garijo R, Prats M, Sanz PJ, Del Pobil AP. In Robot intelligence Lab. retrieved March 25th, 11:25. From:
- The intelligent Library Assistant. Project managed by Norbert Reithinger In German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved March 25th, 11:45- From:
Note: Updated, 28th March 2009 (16:41)