1) Apartment = Flat
2) Appetizer = Starter
3) Apron = Pinny
4) Argument = Row
5) Baby carriage = Pram
6) Backyard = Garden
9) Baked Potato = Jacket Potato
10) Band-aid = Plaster
11) Baseball = Rounders
12) Bath Robe = Dressing Gown
13) Bathing Suit = Swimming Costume / Cozzy
14) Bathroom = Toilet
15) Bathroom = Loo
16) Bathroom = WC
18) Can = Tin
19) Candy = Sweets
20) Check = Bill (at Restaurant)
21) Chips = Crisps
23) Elevator = Lift
24) Eraser = Rubber
25) Fall = Autumn
26) Faucet = Tap
27) Fill the Tub = Run the Bath
28) Fire truck = Fire Engine
29) Flapjacks = Scotch Pancakes
30) Flashlight = Torch
Resource:Associated Content (2009, May 29) In Associated Content, AC. Retrieved 20:25, May 29, 2009, from: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1099625/vocabulary_differences_between_british.html?cat=9