The first spell checker weren’t correctors, they were verifiers. It never gave any suggestion for the incorrect word. A Spell Checker in computing is an application program that flags those words that are not spelled correctly. The program may be capable of working on any kind of text. The spell checker works comparing individual words with the words of a dictionary. If the word is not found the program takes it as an error and suggests to be a wrong word. Sometimes when a word is not in the dictionary the spell checkers gives an option.In the dictionary that the program uses to check if the word is correct has 90.000 entries. If you write any other word out of these entries the checker would mark it like a wrong word.
*Spell checker. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:38, April 5, 2009, from
*Is Spell Checking Creating a Generation of Dummies?. In Education. Retrieved 18:49, April 5, 2009, from
*Milton, Roger. Spellchecking by computer. Retrieved 18:53, April 5, 2009, from