While you are writing an essay in the computer or doing a web page, there are many things that you have to consider. Not only the content of the text but also things such as the format, style, colour, type… All that kind of things that make your essays or web pages have a better quality. There are some mechanisms that help you to improve your works, they are called Style Sheets. So, in a few words, Style Sheets describes you how is going to be shown your document in the screen or paper. In the past, we only took into account the content but, nowadays, we are saying that the content of the text and how it is shown are equally important.
Normally, we have in a page the text and in another different page the things relationated to the style thanks to this our work becomes easier. Style sheets help many people. On the one hand, it helps to those people who create web pages. However, on the other hand, it also helps to those users who work with programs such as Microsoft Word or Openoffice. Style sheets are an essential part for markup languages. They are relationated with documents that use HTML, XML or XHTML. The most importan style sheets are CSS that means Cascada Styling Sheets and XSL abbreviation for Entensible Stylesheet Language.
XSL has become very popular because it offers many operations.Moreover, it is formed by three different languages: XSLT (that allows you to change a document from XML to HTML), XSL-FO ( here you can specify the visual formatting of an XML document) and XPath. But, you may be asking how style sheets work. They have two parts . The first part consists in saying to the mechanism which part of the text is going to be edited and finally, on the second part , you apply to the properties the values wanted.
Finally, just encourage you to continue exploring in this world because will help you to save time and your works will improve quite a lot.
- LESS (2009) In lesscss. Retrieved 17:00, June 30, 2010 from http://lesscss.org/
- Cascading Style Sheets (2010, June, 3) In W3. Retrieved 18:00, June 30, 2010 from http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
- Style Sheel Language ( 2010, April, 26) In Wikipedia. Retrieved 19:15, June 30, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Style_sheet_language
- Stylesheets (2010) In yourhtmlsource. Retrieved 20:00, June 30, 2010 from http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/stylesheets/