A blog is a web site periodically updated which compiles chronologically texts or articles of a single or several authors. The noun in English blog or weblog comes from the words web and log (log= diary).
Usually, in each blog article, the readers have the possibility to write comments and the author also can answer them, in such a way that it is possible to establish a dialogue. Nevertheless, it is essential to know that this is an option which depends on the decision of the author, since the tools permit to design blogs in which not all the internet users are allowed to participate. The use or the subject of each blog is particular. There are personal blogs, journalistic blogs, enterprising blogs, educative bolgs (edublogs), political blogs…
Blogs or Weblogs has become more popular as time has gone by. Nowadays, we can find on the Internet more than 100 million of blogs. These blogs are not simple diaries; they are also used to talk about politics, business and many other topics.
The phenomenon of blogging will become still more potent than it is nowadays. Anyone of us has the possibility to create a blog due to the easy tools which are obtainable on the Internet.
To make that differentiation we have to take into account the following characteristics of a blog:
*The content is published chronologically.
*The content is updated periodically.
*Readers can leave comments on blogs.
*Authors of other blogs have the possibility to interrelate by means of trackbacks and pingbacks.
*The content is unionized by through RSS feeds.
Finally, we have to bear in mind that an online forum also can offer an RSS feed, but the fact of having this characteristic doesn’t mean that it is a blog. What we have to take into account is that if a web page is a blog, it must have all the characteristics mentioned above.
*Blog. (2010). In Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia. Retrieved 13: 47, January 27, 2010, from: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog
*What is a blog? (2005).By Darren Rowse. In Problogger. Retrieved 13: 52, January 27, 2010, from: http://www.problogger.net/archives/2005/02/05/what-is-a-blog/
*What is a blog? By Susan Gunelius. In About.com: Web Logs. Retrieved 14: 04, January 27, 2010, from: http://weblogs.about.com/od/startingablog/p/WhatIsABlog.htm
*What is a blog? By Daniel Scocco. In Daily Blog Tips. Retrieved 14:19, January 27, 2010, from: http://www.dailyblogtips.com/what-is-a-blog/