Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The internet and the hypertext are the web.

octubre 30th, 2008 · No hay Comentarios

Nowadays, the web is one of those things that without it most of us could not live. However, does anyone know where and when was it born?

Well, the web was born in the 1980’s by the scientist Tim Berners-Lee and it was released in 1992. The word web is the abbreviation of “World Wide Web”. Nowadays known as “www”, this is used at the beginning of the web page adresses.

The web contains a huge amount of web pages with a wide variety of information on them. It is also used to chat with friend, download images, videos, songs… But as i said, the main purpose of the web is to provide information. Therefore, we can find two different type of texts in it. On one hand we have the traditional text, the static one to name somehow, the internet user cannot move from that page to another. On the other hand there is a new type of text called hypertext, this kind of text allows the user to jump from one page to another, by clicking in the word which give the chance to do so. This is possible due to the hyperlinks, connection to join more than one web page in one.

At first there where two kind of hypertexts, one known as it, the hypertext, and the other one known as the hypermedia. The last one contained images, graphics, videos… Nevertheless, in 1965 Ted Nelson linked both words in one since they had nearly the same meanig.

In conclusion, the web consists of the internet and the hypertext.



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