Web 2.0 was called as a secondary generation of the internet named by Tim O´Reilly based on comunities and some services like blogs, wikis,…that help with the communication between different users of the web. Dougherty, with the help of anthoer bunch of people, decided that since the web was changing with every single program that came out, and not all of them were composed just by the inscript way HTML, there had to be another name for it, WEB 2.0.
In general when we mention Web 2.0, we refer to a chain of applications and internet pages that use a kind of group intelligence to serve an interactive service, giving the user an autonomic control around his documents.
Tim O´Reilly devided it in four set of levels:
-level 3:applications that exist only on the internet to help users with an inter-human connection between them. Here we have web pages like Ebay, Wikipedia…
-level 2:some applications that can either be used offline or online but that gains when ist used online.Examples:Flirck
-level 1:applications that can be either used online or offline but gains features online. Examples: Google Docs,iTunes,…
-level 0:applications that work online as well as offline some examles of this are:yahoo, google maps,…
Internet sources:
– Web 2.0. (2009, 7) de febrero. Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 16:03, febrero 8, 2009 from http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Web_2.0&oldid=23922705.
-What is the web 2.0(2005,30)de septiembre. O´Reilly media. Fecha de consulta:15:18, febrero 8,2009 from http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html