Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


mayo 14th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios


They are both two markup languages. The first one is the main markup language of the Web while the second one is nowadays more used than before.

HTML (hypertext markup language) was borned in the year 1990 and is the markup language that permits the creation of hypertexts in the Worl Wide Web. It’s a really easy markup language that can describe a hyoertext. This description consists on specifying the structure of the text and the different effects that the writer of that text wants to show. It has had a really great development.

XML (eXtensible markup language) permits to receive and proccess information on the Web. It has got no limitation of marks and it also permits to create directed links.

These are the main differences of XML respecting to HTML:

  • It doesn’t need Document Type Definition, cause XML shows the structure of the information and this saves time and simplifyes the software of application.
  • XML doen’t have support for exceptions, so each tag has each own function.
  • Elements must be named in an established order.
  • It hasn’t got inside entities as Sdata that the markup language SGML has. This entities permit the use of specific symbols as mathematical symbols.
  • It’s a more easy code than the SGML, so this way is more easy to use it.
  • It is independent from the explorers, cause instead of adding presentation tags it shows a page with style made by XSL.



  • Etiquetas