-Question answering:
This device gives us the chance to obtain an immediate answer to a question posed in natural language, in the web. To answer the question the computer may use information either from a data base or a text collection written in natural laguage.
A question answering program can deal with many questions as long as they contain: fact, list, definition, How, Why, hypothetis… The information to answer the question could be retrieved from different types of colletions in the world wide web, local document collections, internal organization documents, newswire reports for instance.
*Closed-domain question answering deals with questions from specific topics.
*Open-domain question answering deals with questions in general, those wich are answered by a general knowledge.
There are two differt methods of answering: shallow and deep. The shallow answering consists of asking simple questions such as what is X? and the computer will look for the X in order to give a suitable definition or answer to the question. However, in the deep case whatever the question is like, the computer will answer it without any problems. Even if it is a difficult and a specific question with difficult syntactic structures, it will be able to analyse, understand and answer it.
So, it is known that this device is now pretty useful to know the answer to any question that cannot be answered without using the internet.
-Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing is also known as Humal Language Technology, and it is just a field in computer science which deals with the interaction between humans or humans and computers. This consist on rewriting the information on the databases is a understandably way, so that information on them can be readable for people. While using the natural language for humans is such an easy task, for computers it is kind of impossible to put everything in a way that people can understand.
To sum up, the NLP is a subfield which deals with interaction between humans an humans and computers.
–Speech recognition:
Speech recognition is a device used to convert spoken words into written ones. It is alsocommomly known as automatic speech recognition or computer speech recognition. It is also sometimes called voice recognition, however, this is not such a good term since it is actually referring to speaker recognition than speech recognition. This includes some applications such as voice dialing, call routing (to make collect calls), domotic appliance control and content-based spoken audio search (find a posdcast by saying some particular words), simple data entry, preparation of structured documents, speech-to-text processing, and in aircraft cockpits.
There are some domains that nowadays obtain a considerable benefit from this speech recgnition: the health care domain, the military domain, telephones and other domains and finally disabled people.