If you are involved in the world of computer science, you should know about Yorick Wilks. He is a computer scientist who was born in the United Kingdom in the year 1939. He is married and has four children. Firstly, he went to the Torquay Boys’ Grammar School, which is a prestigious single sex school situated in Devon. Then, the scholar went to the University of Cambridge where he received his M.A. and his PhD in the year 1968.
But why is Yorick Wilks so important in this field? Well, the answer is quite easy. First of all, he has done a lot of projects in relation to the understanding of natural language content by computers. Moreover, he has written several publications throughout his life and his career is extraordinary. Nowadays, he is a professor at the University Of Sheffield, where he directs the Institute for Language, Speech and Hearing.
Finally, it has to be said that there is an excellent file about him in Wikipedia where one can read about his biography or his main publications, apart from other things. Do not hesitate to visit it.
Yorick Wilks (2009 May 20) In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 10:55, 20 May, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorick_Wilks
Yorick Wilks (2009) In The University Of Sheffield. Retrieved 11:30, 20 May, 2009, from http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/researchassociates.cfm?id=31
Yorick Wilks (2009 May 19). In The University Of Sheffield. Retrieved 12:00, 20 May,2009, from http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~yorick/cv.html
Internet Companions (2008 February 22). In Youtube. Retrieved 22:31, 20 May, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wYnY53KfbA