Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Martin Kay

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Martin Kay

Martin Kay Linguistika Konputazionaleko irakaslea da Standford unibertsitatean eta Ohorezko Irakaslea Saarland Unibertsitatean. Trinity Collegean ikasi zuen. Gero Rand Corpotaion –en, Kaliforniako unibertsitatean Irvinen XEROX PARC –en. Bera da linguistika konputazionaleko eta itzulpen automatikoaren aitzindarietako bat. Bera izan zen baita ere gutunen analisia linguistika konputazionalera eraman zuena, eta bateratzearen ideia linguistikara. Ron Kaplarekin, ikerkuntza eta […]

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mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Hiztegiak

Hiztegi bat bilketa-lan bat da hitzak hurrenkera alfabetikoan kontsulta ditzagun. Hitzei buruz zenbait gauza esaten zazikigu, hala nola, kategoria, ortografia,  etimologia, eta hainbat kasutan baita ahoskera ere. Hiztegiak egiten dituen zientzia lexikografia da. Bizitzan zehar, hiztegiak aipatu direnean, paperezko bertsioei egin zaie erreferentzia, baina gaur egun internet-en eskuragarri ditugu. Hiztegi mota asko daude, haietako batzuk […]

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Giza Lengoaia Teknologia zentruak

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Giza Lengoaia Teknologia zentruak

Giza lengoaien teknologiari buruz aurrerapauso handiak eman dira azken hamarkadan, teknologiaren gorakadaren ondorioz. Europa mailan dauden hiru zentruri buruz egingo dugu berba jarraian eta bertan, Eusakal Herri mailan dagoen zentru nagusia eta Europa mailan dauden zentru nagusiak azalduko dira, funtsean.
Lehenengo zentrua Ixa Taldea da: Ixa Taldea Euskal Unibertsitateko Teknologia Fakultatea orria da. Bertan, IXA taldeak […]

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Machine Translation(Q3)

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Machine Translation(Q3)

Machine translation often use a method based on linguistic rules: words will be translated in a linguistic way, the most suitable words of the target language will replace the ones in the source language.
It is often said that the success of machine translation requires the problem of  natural language understanding to be solved.
Normally, rule-based methods pase a […]

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Types of Corpora

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Types of Corpora

There are many kinds of Corpora. They can contedn written or spoken uses of a language, modern or old texts, whole books…
The General Corpora is formed by general texts that do not belong to single field, or register. Some Corpora include texts from a particular dialect, or variety of a language. These corpora are called […]

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What is a corpus?

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on What is a corpus?

The word corpus derived from the Latin word meaning body. It was used to refer any text in spoken or written form.
Nowadays, a corpus is a large collection of samples of a language held on a computer. The samples can come from anywhere the language is used in speech and in writing. A corpus is […]

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Day 6

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Day 6

Today I have finished my part of the project, although we have had problems with the connection. If  I have time I want to go on working with other aspects that are less important but they can be interesting.
We have to work also on the conclusion of the project.
Now, I am going to write some […]

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La preposición “Hasta”

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on La preposición “Hasta”

En el día de hoy, he continuado buscando ejemplos con la preposición “hasta” en el corpus de la Real Academia Española. Haciendo un balance de lo que he encontrado, en primer lugar, he de destacar, que la preposición “hasta” no aparece acompañada de la negación cuando las oraciones son temporales, es decir, cuando aparace junto […]

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mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on PRONOUNS: LEÍSMO & LOÍSMO

PRONOUNS: LEÍSMO & LOÍSMO The leísmo is the sustitution of the personal pronoun lo/la and the use of le in the direct complement position and with the verbs that carry the Accusative case (Transitive verbs) : (Leísta form) Juan le ha visto. (Standard form) Juan lo ha visto. The loísmo is the use of lo […]

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British National Corpus

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on British National Corpus

Una vez aclarado el concepto del corpus, es hora de centrarse en uno de los que concretamente mi grupo ha trabajado: British National Corpus (BNC). Ya  que el corpus aqui descrito es el britanico, lo mejor será definirlo y explicarlo en su idioma originario. The British National Corpus (BNC) is a 100 million word collection […]

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Corpus lingüístico

mayo 12th, 2009 · Comments Off on Corpus lingüístico

Ya que esta segunda evaluación tenemos que trabajar con los diferentes corpus lingüísticos existentes, creo que antes de nada deberíamos dar una definición lo mas exacta posible del concepto. La definición más breve y concisa que se puede encontrar en la red, es la que podemos encontrar en la wikipedia que dice asi : un […]

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