Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Markup languages

octubre 21st, 2009 · Comments Off on Markup languages

A markup language is a system for annotating a text in a way which is syntactically distinguishable from that text.The first language to make a clear and clean distinction between structure and presentation was Scribe, developed by Brian Reid. Scribe was revolutionary in a number of ways, not least that it introduced the idea of […]

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Los sueños,sueños son

octubre 21st, 2009 · Comments Off on Los sueños,sueños son

¿No os sorprende cómo nuestra mente juega con nosotros en los sueños? ¿No os parece inverosímil que la mente pueda creer imágenes tan reales que incluso nos confunde y llegamos a dudar de si algo ha pasado anteriormente o sólo es un sueño? Nos hacen pasar malos ratos, nos hacen sentirnos estúpidos porque no les […]

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HTML and The Markup Languages

octubre 21st, 2009 · Comments Off on HTML and The Markup Languages

TEXT ANNOTATING SYSTEMS: As Wikipedia says an annotation is a summary made to information in a book, document, online record, video… Annotations provide data about a software program that is not part of that program itself. The annotations have got a number of uses: Information for the compiler. Compiler-time and deployment-time processing. Runtime processing. It […]

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Hedatuz liburutegi digitala

octubre 21st, 2009 · Comments Off on Hedatuz liburutegi digitala

Orain dela urte batzuk munduko hezkuntza instituziorik garrantzitsuenek eta baita beste motako asoziazioek ere obra inportanteen, artikuluen eta maia guztietan garrantzitsuak diren  ikerketarako eta hezkuntzarako edukien digitalizazioa bultzatu dute. Liburutegi digitalak sareari esker lortu dugun abantailetako bat da. Modu honetan jakituria unibersalizatzea errezagoa da. Liburutegi hauek datu baseak izateaz gain, baita jakituria munduan zehar hedatzea ahalbidetzen duen baliabide bat  […]

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