Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The China National Orchestra plays Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’ on traditional instruments

enero 15th, 2014 · Comments Off on The China National Orchestra plays Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’ on traditional instruments

Because of her first performance in China, Katy Perry has been welcomed by The China National Orchestra playing with traditional instuments her single “Roar”. Source; Sam Canpadee(Jan 15, 2014). Watch: The China National Orchestra plays Kat…

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“Lotus feet”

enero 14th, 2014 · Comments Off on “Lotus feet”

The bandaged foot (缠足 – chánzú) was a popular practice in some parts of China until the twentieth century. Activists against bounded feet educated practitioners by telling them the perception of the outside world of this trend as a barbarit…

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