Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The experience of a first category rhythmic gymnast: Sol Moreno

diciembre 20th, 2013 · Comments Off on The experience of a first category rhythmic gymnast: Sol Moreno

¿Have you ever wondered what it takes and how it feels to be an elite gymnast, to take part in a rhythmic gymnastics Spanish championship in the “first category” and all the work it hides behind? I am sure this is  definitely an issue of …

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Review: What is Euskalgym? Part 2

diciembre 11th, 2013 · Comments Off on Review: What is Euskalgym? Part 2

It is said that “sequels are never any good” but when it comes to Eusklagym is couldn´t be further from the thruth. As many relevant personalities have stated Euskalgym gets better and better every year. Want to find out what I´m talking …

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Review: What is Euskalgym?

noviembre 27th, 2013 · Comments Off on Review: What is Euskalgym?

“Euskalgym”. Does this word mean anything to you? It does for a huge number of people who are fans of one of the most spectacular but less famous sports, rythmic gymnastics. If you do not know yet about it you will after reading this post, …

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