Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The locomotive and the astray carriages

mayo 4th, 2012 · Comments Off on The locomotive and the astray carriages

Economic crisis and international reations Hereby I do not intended to do a paradigmatic paper in the study of the crisis in relation to politics and international diplomacy, as well as I do not trust the plethora of ominous books promising to give the solution to the crisis. Notwithstanding, I would like to arouse the […]

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Bibliography for the Wikipedia Article

marzo 20th, 2012 · Comments Off on Bibliography for the Wikipedia Article

Writing a good scholarly paper, an academic text adding something new to the scientific sphere is definitely not a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, it usually happens that an essay we come across with entails much more efforts than apparently could seem. Anyone intending to do a scholarly paper ought to carry […]

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¿Pueden las redes sociales hacer algo para ayudarnos a salir de la “crisis”?

noviembre 30th, 2011 · Comments Off on ¿Pueden las redes sociales hacer algo para ayudarnos a salir de la “crisis”?

Como dijo Sainte-Beuve ya en el siglo XIX, “el que abusa de un líquido no se mantiene mucho tiempo sólido”. Eso es claramente lo que le ha ocurrido al sistema financiero internacional; la actual crisis es resultado de un largo período de sobreabundancia de liquidez – dinero al alcance de la mano que iba y […]

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