Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Chinese Cinema, Spring Subway

marzo 27th, 2012 · Comments Off on Chinese Cinema, Spring Subway

The sources selected for our Wikipeida article for the subject Infomation Management are all related to Chinese cinema. These sources are valid and important because they all mention and explain different points of view about making Chinese movies as well as the evolution of this kind of cinema. The most representative author is Rey Chow, Whose book “Sentimental fabulations contamporary […]

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The truth is out there on the net

diciembre 21st, 2011 · Comments Off on The truth is out there on the net

Social networks are supposed to be the center of liars and impunity. After a research made by Jeffrey Hancock,and some analisis of Clive Thompson, it’s possible to say that the Internet has become more trustful and honest due to the fear to be exposure to be caught. The truth is out there on the net. […]

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