Gracias a la Fnac, estas Navidades todos los blogueros podemos ganar un premio de hasta 2012 €. ¿Cómo? Pues es tan fácil como publicar en nuestros blogs nuestra lista de deseos (wishlist) con productos Fnac hasta un importe máximo de 2012 € y tener un poquito de suerte. Así que, without further ado, aquí va […]
Mi nueva ‘wishlist’ con productos Fnac
diciembre 30th, 2011 · Comments Off on Mi nueva ‘wishlist’ con productos Fnac
Merry Christmas!
diciembre 24th, 2011 · Comments Off on Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Noël! God Jul! Buon Natale! En definitiva, ¡feliz Navidad a todos! =)
Mi ‘wishlist’ con productos Fnac
diciembre 30th, 2010 · Comments Off on Mi ‘wishlist’ con productos Fnac
Gracias a la Fnac, estas Navidades todos los blogueros podemos ganar un premio de hasta 2011 €. ¿Cómo? Pues es tan fácil como publicar en nuestros blogs nuestra lista de deseos (wishlist) con productos Fnac hasta un importe máximo de 2011 € y tener un poquito de suerte. Así que, without further ado, aquí va […]
Style sheets
diciembre 20th, 2009 · Comments Off on Style sheets
In today’s post we are going to find out a bit more about style sheets, a truly important tool within digital edition. Style sheets, grosso modo, allow us to introduce some exact instructions and orders so as to present the content of documents and websites just in the way we want or we need. The […]
LaTeX and TEI
noviembre 28th, 2009 · Comments Off on LaTeX and TEI
We have talked in previous posts about some of the most important and successful markup languages that we can find nowadays such as, for instance, HTML, XML or XHTML. However, in today’s post I am briefly going to mention and introduce two markup languages – LaTeX and TEI – that could be new to some […]
Digital Libraries
octubre 25th, 2009 · Comments Off on Digital Libraries
In today’s post we are going to discover what digital libraries are. We can define them as libraries in which collections are stored in digital formats and accesible by computers. We can affirm that digital libraries are a type of information retrieval system. Moreover, one of the main ideas of this post is to present […]
eBooks vs Traditional books
octubre 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on eBooks vs Traditional books
The quick development of new technologies is transforming our lives dramatically in many aspects. One of them is literature. Nowadays, traditional books are living a little crisis due to the appearance of eBooks. An eBook (or electronic book) is, in plain words, a digital version of a traditional book. So now you may be wondering […]
Copyright: editors vs Internet users
octubre 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Copyright: editors vs Internet users
Nowadays, we are living a quite strong conflict of interests between the Internet users and traditional editors due to the increasing digitalization of books since the Net was born years ago. This topic has caused and is still today causing a big controversy among the population and that is the reason why we wanted to […]
Questionnaire 3: Chatterbots
mayo 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 3: Chatterbots
A chatterbot (chat bots, talk bots) is a type of conversational agent; it is a computer program known as Artificial Conversational Entity (ACE), which is designed to simulate a real conversation with human users. And when we talk about a simulation, we really mean that because chatterbots are not capable of “understanding” the conversation. The […]
Questionnaire 3: Question Answering (QA)
abril 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 3: Question Answering (QA)
Have you ever asked yourself what happens when you introduce a question in your computer? No? Never? Then you will get surprised with today’s post because I am going to talk about Question Answering (QA). Question Answering (QA) is, in information retrieval, the task of answering automatically a question asked in natural language. In order […]
Questionnaire 2: Word Sense Disambiguation & Named Entity Recognition
abril 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 2: Word Sense Disambiguation & Named Entity Recognition
We have talked in the previous post about Machine Translation (MT) because it is considered a sub-field of the Computational Linguistics that we are currently studying. Broadly speaking, MT consists of translating words or speech from one natural language to another one using translation software. As we said, MT faces two problems in two different […]
Questionnaire 2: Machine Translation (MT)
marzo 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 2: Machine Translation (MT)
Now, we have a clear idea of what Natural Language Processing (NLP) is; besides, we have already mentioned the most common tasks that have to do with NLP. In this post, what I would like to do is to start explaining briefly some of those topics for you to have a better understanding of them. […]