The concept of Web 2.0 by O’Reilly Media is defined as a participation-platform, while the Web 1.0 was described as an information-source.
This new way of understanding the Internet may exhibit some basic characteristics:
- It allows users to use applications entirely through Web browsers.
- These users own the data of the site and exercise control over it.
- It has a democracy that moves users to add value to the Web while they use it.
- It is an interactive and user-friendly interface based on different frameworks.
- It has some social-networking aspects too.
- Information is constantly being actualized.
The most suitable examples of the “editable web” are Flickr -a web page to share photos-, Wikipedia -the “free encyclopedia” in the net- and Technorati -an Internet blog-searching engine-.
The Web 2.0 and its skills have been presented by the O’Reilly company in the last Web 2.0 Conference 2006. Another meeting on this was the Blog AUT, whose main topics have been commented by Joseba Abaitua. But in terms of future, there is a setting -San Francisco- and a date -year 2007-; registration for the Third Annual Web 2.0 Summit is now opened.