YouTube has become one of the most popular websites worldwide. Most of us have used it in order to see videos or share them with our friends, but its history stills unknown for many of us, we don’t even know if it creates benefit or not. YouTube is a website where users can upload and […]
11 de diciembre, 2012 | nagorelarrea
Billie Joe Armstrong.
11 de diciembre, 2012 | saraibannez
After a lot of thinking, I have decided to write my “free topic post” about Billie Joe Armstrong, the singer of my favorite band, Green Day. Although I am going to talk about him when he was a kid, then I am going to focus on the band, their albums, and how are them in […]
La bella Italia
11 de diciembre, 2012 | irenecalleja
A pesar del gran número de países y culturas de las que estamos rodeados, si tuviera la oportunidad de elegir un país, éste sería sin duda Italia. Aunque hay otros países que también despiertan mi interés, como China, Islandia, o Australia, Italia contiene lo que más me interesa de un país: gran variedad de arte, […]
10 de diciembre, 2012 | nereawct
Introduction Nowadays the fact of travelling abroad it is a very common. When our fathers where young it was very unusual to go abroad on holiday or just go a long weekend to visit new places as we make usually. The longest trip the family usually did, was to the village where they came from […]
Free topic post: Bankia
10 de diciembre, 2012 | aitor131
In this post, I am going to give some general information about Bankia, the polemic bank which is considered as the main responsible of the economical crisis in Spain. I say general because the crisis is a really deep and complicated topic, and, of course, there are too many different versions of how it was […]
Egyptian Mythology
10 de diciembre, 2012 | JuliaPérezEsteban
Egyptian mythology is composed of many gods and goddesses that Egyptians worshiped, million years ago. For many of them temples and palaces were built, in exchange for favors. There were five group of gods in which Egyptians believed. Blue words linked you to know more about the topic. The word mythology is composed of words […]
The clockwork orange
10 de diciembre, 2012 | andrearctic
A clockwork orange is a film produced in 1971, written and directed b y Stanley Kubrick and bassed on the Anthony Burgess novella A clockwork orange. The film shows disturbing and violents images of the young gang that appears in the film. CAST Malcom McDowell as Alex James Marcus as Georgie Warren Clarke as Dim Michael Tarn as Pete PLOT The […]
10 de diciembre, 2012 | Leire H.
Instagram is a photo-sharing social network application which was first launched in October 2010 by the co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. The service is based on taking a photo, applying a filter and sharing it with other users both of the network itself and other networks. Since its release, Instagram is having progressively more users: at present they are more than 100 millions. The […]
Maori Language Act
10 de diciembre, 2012 | merys12
On 29 April 1986, the Waitangi Tribunal handed down its findings relating to te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) which included several recommendations to the Government covering the use of Māori in Courts of Law, government departments, local authorities, in education and in broadcasting. Although try outs had been made over a number of years […]
9 de diciembre, 2012 | paulaalonso2012
IF WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, ARE NOT WE CLOSER TO “NATURE” IF WE INCORPORATE NATURAL AND ORGANIC FOODS INTO OUR DIET? The “organic” label is one of the more recent vintage and is the product of its own countercultural revolution. Its prominence in grocery store aisles reflects a cultural repulsion against factory farms and […]
The Coca-Cola Company
9 de diciembre, 2012 | Mrs. Yaxi Xhi
The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company, which offers its consumers nearly 400 brands of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups . It was founded in 1886 by pharmacist Dr John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia. But nowadays the Coca‑Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor through the higher beverage dispensing system in […]
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning
9 de diciembre, 2012 | maitanedeusto
With the expansion of the European Union, the need for communication and the diversity of new languages are seen as central issues. In the last years, English has become the world’s main language, but this doesn’t mean other languages will be likely to disappear. With all this, the need of acquiring communicative skills in a […]