Nork ez da noizbaitean galdetu, zein den bizitzaren zentzua? Zer dagoen Heriotzaren ostean? Edo gai traszendentalei buruzko bururapenak izan? Mota honetako galderen erantzunak bilatzen saiatu dira filosofoak historian zehar. Duela mende askoko pentsalari askoren ideiak oraindik ere irakasten dira ikasgeletan; hala nola: Sokrates, Nietzsche, Descartes, Ortega y Gasset… Baina existitu diren filosofo guztien artean, Platon […]
Deusto’s Littera Media 2012-12-08 12:52:53
8 de diciembre, 2012 | ayalamaq
Free topic post. “My favorite vlogger: Charlie McDonnell”
7 de diciembre, 2012 | mariamoran7
As an English student I’ve always been looking for ways to improve the way I speak and I understand this language and the Internet has helped me a lot during these years because watching videos in English is the best thing anyone can do to improve their listening and speaking. One day I was looking […]
Free topic post: Edward Norton
7 de diciembre, 2012 | taniavallejo
Edward Norton was born in Maryland in 1969. His father was an environmental lawyer and a former federal prosecutor, while his mother was a teacher of English and died of a brain tumor in 1997. Norton, after graduating from Columbia’s Wilde Lake High School in 1987, attended Yale University, where he was a competitive rowerand […]
Free Topic Post: Monaco, an unforgettable paradise.
7 de diciembre, 2012 | meriwct
MONACO Who wouldn’t ever want to visit Monaco, the place of the luxury and glam? Its original name is Principality of Monaco, which is independent since 1297. It is located on the Côte d’Azur, in Mediterranean Sea, near the Italian border. As a census on 2011 showed, the number of inhabitants was getting […]
Joaquín Achúcarro
6 de diciembre, 2012 | irunewct1213
My web communication plan is focused on Joaquin Achucarro, a basque pianist. I decide to speak about him and one of the concerts that he will give the next week at the Philharmonic Society of Bilbao because my hobby is the piano and I will go to Joaquin’s concert the next Tuesday. “I have only […]
6 de diciembre, 2012 | estibalizperez
Francia participó por primera vez en Eurovisión en 1956, hasta ahora 36 veces ha quedado dentro de los 10 primeros y ha ganado 5 veces. Por primera vez ganó André Claveau en 1958 con la canción “Dors Mon Amour”. 2 años después volvió a ganar Jacqueline Bayer con la canción “Tom Pilibi” 2 años después volvió a ganar Isabelle […]
Great Barrier Reef
4 de diciembre, 2012 | mrnotaegi
The idea of investigating the structure and formation of the Barrier Reef has always appeal to me. For this, I decided to search information about world’s biggest one, which could be found in Australia. This reef is known as the Great Barrier Reef, it is located on Queensland’s Coral coast in the north- east of […]
Free topic post: ERASMUS
3 de diciembre, 2012 | javiperezwcs
ERASMUS The ERASMUS program (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) was created in 1987 in order to promote the Students Exchange programs of the countries of the European Union. and, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. In 1995 this program was integrated in a program with bigger magnitude, called Socrates. Finally in the year 2000, […]
Mrs. Dalloway
3 de diciembre, 2012 | meriovsky
Mrs. Dalloway, which was published on 14 May 1925, is a Novel by Virginia Woolf, an English writer regarded as one of the greatest modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. The whole novel is the detailed and meticulous explanation of a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, but the innovative treatment of time […]
The Berlin Wall
3 de diciembre, 2012 | eidermarin
THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALL In 1961, 3 million people went from Eastern Germany to the capitalism. German Democratic Republic noticed that the population was going down, so it decided to built a provisinal wire wall on 12th August 1961. It was a 155 km long wall, which divided the city in two sides. No-one […]
My Favorite author: Jane Austen.
2 de diciembre, 2012 | annetxu.
Jane Austen. Jane Austen was born in Steventon, England 16 December 1775. She was a well-known British writer who lived while XVIII and XIX centuries. She was the daughter of the reverend Austen. Jane had six brothers and a sister named Cassandra. The relationship between both of them was not only special because they were […]
My favorite hobby: SURFING! (Free topic post)
27 de noviembre, 2012 | discoveringdunknown
In this post I am going to explain what surfing is all about and which are the basic rules and concepts that must be respected in the water. Furthermore, I will also introduce the best surf spots in the Basque Country, and finally I will talk about my own experience and why is surfing […]